• Media 1 - Aromatic bouquet
Aromatic bouquet +
Image corresponds to price variant «Standard»

Aromatic bouquet

Beautiful, aromatic flowers will help you send the best of wishes. A red rose, as a symbol of the deepest of feelings and a white freesia being a symbol of pure intentions is a great combination. Make sure the other person's mood is right and make a nice surprise. W zlozeniu najpiekniejszych zyczen pomoga Ci sliczne, pachnace kwiaty. Czerwona róza jako wyraz najglebszych uczuc i biala frezja bedaca wyrazem czystych intencji to doskonale polaczenie. Zadbaj o dobry nastrój drugiej ososby i spraw jej wspaniala niespodzianke.

CHF 71.30 - CHF 108.00 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For orders received
  • for Switzerland: on weekdays by 15:00
    (Saturdays by 13:00)
  • to foreign countries: usually by 11:00
same-day delivery.

No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.

Inspired by #WeAreFleurop


Use upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numbers. Use at least 10 characters.

Delivery address

Choose from my address book
Your Fleurop partner shop choice:
TestStrasse 11
1111 Test
We will send you an e-mail with all the information you need (address and phone number of the flower shop, earliest collection time etc.).

Delivery options


Please write your message in the national language or in English.


Aromatic bouquet
  • {{item.Description}} {{item.Description}} {{item.Quantity}} x CHF {{item.Price.toFixed(2)}}
  • Total, incl. VAT CHF {{basket.TotalPrice().toFixed(2)}}
Use gift card or online voucher
Use MyFleurop points

Please enter the number of points .
You have {{pointsMyTotal}} MyFleurop points.

Payment methods

The limit for orders against invoice is: CHF 300.--. Please select another method of payment.
This payment is only for customers from Switzerland.
Please pay by credit card.
The payment by invoice option is not available if:
  • the billing address is not in Switzerland
  • the purchase exceeds CHF 300.-
With this payment method you will be redirected to the payment process after clicking on "buy".
You will receive the invoice within the next 10 - 15 days.
We will send you the PDF invoice by separate e-mail within the next few days.
Guarantee of
Total, incl. VAT CHF {{basket.TotalPrice().toFixed(2)}}