• Media 1 - Vert coton - Green coton
  • Media 2 - Vert coton - Green coton
  • Media 3 - Vert coton - Green coton
  • Media 4 - Vert coton - Green coton
Vert coton - Green coton +

Vert coton - Green coton

The white rose is at the service of your most beautiful occasions with our Green coton bouquet. Composed by Interflora's creative florists, this refined, generous bouquet invites you to convey your finest sentiments, from the simple pleasure of giving to the grandest of ceremonies.

La rose blanche se met au service de vos plus belles occasions avec notre bouquet Vert coton. Compose par les fleuristes createurs de la marque Interflora, ce bouquet raffine et genereux vous invite a transmettre vos plus beaux sentiments, du simple plaisir d'offrir aux plus grandes ceremonies.

CHF 73.80 - CHF 119.20 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For Switzerland:
  • Monday to Friday ordered before 3 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
  • Saturday ordered before 1 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
Delivery to foreign countries:
  • ordered before 11 a.m.:
    same-day delivery usually possible.

No deliveries on Sundays or public holidays.

Inspired by #WeAreFleurop

Card text

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(Please do not forget to mention your name in the accompanying text. It will not appear automatically on the card. On request of the recipient, the name of the client will be provided.)


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Delivery address

Choose from my address book
Your Fleurop partner shop choice:
TestStrasse 11
1111 Test
We will send you an e-mail with all the information you need (address and phone number of the flower shop, earliest collection time etc.).

Delivery options


Please write your message in the national language or in English.


Vert coton - Green coton
  • Vert coton - Green coton CHF 97.00
  • Service charge CHF 24.00
  • Total, incl. VAT CHF 121.00
Use gift card or online voucher
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Payment methods

With this payment method you will be redirected to the payment process after clicking on "buy".
Guarantee of
Total, incl. VAT CHF 121.00