• Media 1 - The FTD Sunny Surprise Bouquet
The FTD Sunny Surprise Bouquet +

The FTD Sunny Surprise Bouquet

ne of the best surprises in life is to receive flowers unexpectedly and this flower bouquet is ready to delight your recipient with energy and light in honor of lifes most precious moments or for no reason at all, but to make them smile. Vibrant yellow gerbera daisies and orange gerbera daisies are arranged to show off their bright, brilliant color and texture accented with lily grass blades, and lush tropical leaves situated in a yellow cylindrical ceramic vase. An unforgettable birthday, get well, or congratulations gift!.Fine flowers delivered in Jamaica.

CHF 83.90 incl. VAT

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Fleurop indicative price list and general price information (GTC)

Delivery date

For Switzerland:
  • Monday to Friday ordered before 3 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
  • Saturday ordered before 1 p.m.:
    same-day delivery possible.
Delivery to foreign countries:
  • ordered before 11 a.m.:
    same-day delivery usually possible.

No deliveries on Sundays or public holidays.

Inspired by #WeAreFleurop

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TestStrasse 11
1111 Test
We will send you an e-mail with all the information you need (address and phone number of the flower shop, earliest collection time etc.).

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The FTD Sunny Surprise Bouquet
  • Large White Rose and Lily Spray CHF 171.70
  • Tariffa di servizio CHF 24.00
  • Total, incl. VAT CHF 195.70
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Guarantee of
Total, incl. VAT CHF 195.70