Sorry? It's not only your great love that makes your heart beat faster, but also the sight of beautiful spring flowers?
This is completely normal, because you simply missed the colors in nature in winter. Here is a brief overview of the messages and the effect of colors.
About colors
Tulips are not just tulips. Because depending on the color, they have different messages and effects.

In love with tulips

Colors - their messages and effects
- Yellow tulips express sympathy. They make you feel cheerful and optimistic, and it's a good remedy against the winter blues.
- Purple and violet tulips represent love at first sight, but at the same time they are very distinguished.

- Orange tulips show that someone fascinates you. Moreover, they make it easier for morning grouches to get up.
- Pink tulips convey spring feelings and symbolize tender emotions and romance.

- Red tulips stand for emotional connection. They are stimulating, have an energizing effect and incite emotional reactions.
- White tulips symbolize eternal love. But they also bring light into our interiors, have a soothing and elegant effect.

Multicolored tulips always fit
If you don't know the right color yet, choose a multicolored bouquet.
A refreshing cocktail of tulips contains a little bit of everything and therefore always fits.
A refreshing cocktail of tulips contains a little bit of everything and therefore always fits.
More about the most popular spring flower
All my worldly goods for a single tulip bulb
Horrendous real estate prices? We know that. But for tulip bulbs? Read what was paid for a single bulb at the height of the tulip mania.
Tulips - a flop when fried, tops in the vase
What did a merchant do when he was delivered unknown onions in the 16th century? He ate them, which was a mistake. Because they were tulip bulbs.
About colors
Tulips are not just tulips. Because depending on the color, they have different messages and effects.
Aphids «created» the most expensive tulip
In the past, multicolored tulips were particularly valuable. This gave the growers the craziest ideas and they started to experiment.
Tulips stand for new life, immortality and love
Initially, tulips represented new life, love and tenderness. No wonder then, that today they are also given as messengers of love.
Tulips intrigue us again and again
We are all familiar with tulips. But there are also mysteries. For example, why do they continue to grow in the vase? And why do they close their flowers at night?
Wild tulips of Valais
Do you fancy wild tulips, which are nowhere else to be found or are at least extremely rare? In the canton of Valais there are two species of wild tulips.