Flowers in autumn

Flowers in autumn

Colorful forests, rustling leaves, golden light, and bright autumn flowers! Fall has everything to excite us. Conclusion: bring autumn mood into your home.
Flowers - as colorful as life
By «autumn» florists mean the months of September and October. This is a time when nature offers a breathtaking spectacle. As the days are slowly getting shorter, it's even nicer to be able to bring this magical mood home. The range of flowers is wide.

But the most popular autumn flowers are autumn asters, blue thistles, celosia, chrysanthemums, physalis, pincushions (Leucospermum) and rosehip branches.

Care tips for flowers can be found here.
Chrysanthemums and autumn asters - colorful and long-lasting
Chrysanthemums and autumn asters are like the Indian summer: colorful, beautiful and a symbol of happiness. Among the chrysanthemums, especially the Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum with their flowers up to 20 cm in size are eye-catchers. More about chrysanthemums we reveal here.

Care tips for chrysanthemums can be found here.
If If you're more of a plant lover, here are our care tips for balcony and terrace.

But the intensely bright shades of autumn asters, ranging from pink and red to purple and blue, leave nothing to be desired. In short, chrysanthemums and asters will put you in a good mood even on foggy days, and they last for a long time. Available in flower stores: chrysanthemums from September to early November; autumn asters from mid-August to late November.
Blue thistles - extravagant umbelliferous plants
If the term «umbellifer» does not mean anything to you, you should look at the blue thistle in the next flower store in the fall. At the latest now you may become a fan of this plant genus.

True, the blue thistle has spiny bracts. But it is very special with its steel blue flowers.

In the flower store, the blue thistle is available from the beginning of August until the end of December.
Rosehip branches and physalis - bright color accents
After the abundant flowering in the summer, rosehip roses have their second big appearance in the fall. This is when the orange-red and sometimes even almost black fruits emerge and provide color. This also applies to the physalis. There, the orange lanterns make the branches something special. Especially because the small lantern contains a sweet berry that can be eaten.

But whether rosehip branches or physalis: they not only look good in bouquets but are also a wonderful decoration as soloists in the vase.

Available in flower stores: rosehip branches from mid-August to the end of December; physalis from mid-August to the end of November.
Celosia - striking shape and color
Fiery colors and lush flower shapes, these are the qualities by which you can recognize the celosia. The extraordinary flowers come in white, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange, green or multicolored. In addition, one encounters celosias with feathery inflorescences.

However, sometimes the flowers form a crest or tail. Celosia is considered a symbol of boldness. So, if you want to give courage to someone, this is the right choice.

In the flower store celosias are available from early August to late November.
Pincushion (Leucospermum) - pure joy of life
With their bright colors from yellow to red, South African pincushions add a lot of life to bouquets. This makes them popular. They have very long, narrow stamina that erect like needles, giving the plant its name.

As cut flowers, pincushions are a beautiful addition to autumn bouquets. This is because their bright colors express a zest for life.

In the flower store pincushions are available from mid-August to late December.

In love with autumn

Signs of Spring
CHF 52.00 - CHF 92.00
Tender Winter Roses
CHF 56.00 - CHF 106.00
Wonderful Day with Lily
CHF 48.00 - CHF 88.00
Pure Spring
CHF 48.00 - CHF 98.00
Happy Surprise
CHF 45.00 - CHF 85.00
Cheerful Spring Meadow
CHF 62.00 - CHF 122.00
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Learn more about flowers and their season