Guarantee of satisfaction
Because your satisfaction is important to us, we include a guarantee with every delivery. In addition, we ensure the quality of our partners in Switzerland via regular test purchases.

When it comes to quality, Fleurop sets the bar high
Fleurop sets high standards for itself and its partner businesses. That is why the company guarantees that every order will be carried out with great care, in best quality, and delivered on time.
If this is not the case, it asks the recipient via the «guarantee of satisfaction» enclosed with the flowers and plants to report the complaint as soon as possible, but within 5 days at the latest.

Internal quality controls through test purchases
In order to guarantee quality, Fleurop carries out regular quality controls among its affiliated partners in Switzerland.
To ensure that the approximately 350 florists in Switzerland do not notice that they are being tested, Fleurop searches for approximately 70 delivery addresses by phone for each test.
These may be companies or private individuals located at the same place as the partner store to be tested.

As soon as they agree to accept a test bouquet, they receive written confirmation.
As a thank you for their cooperation, Fleurop offers each of them a gift card to be used in any Fleurop partner shop or the Fleurop webshop.

Fleurop drivers on Tour de Suisse
Fleurop now orders bouquets of flowers for a specific day from florists who are tested for the pre-determined recipients.
For the florist, this looks like a normal order, and the flower recipient do not actually have to do much.
He receives the flowers from the delivering florist, puts them in water and gives them to our chauffeur the next day. On the day when the 70 or so test bouquets are collected
from all over Switzerland, three or four drivers are on the road. They bring the test bouquets to the Fleurop headquarters in Wangen near Dübendorf.

Now experts are in demand
The bouquets are unwrapped at Fleurop headquarters. There, they first check that the accompanying card, the sachet of flower preservative, the care instructions and the guarantee are enclosed.
The bouquets are now given an identification number and placed in vases, awaiting the scrutiny of an expert panel comprising qualified professionals.
This is done in an absolutely neutral and fair process: the bouquets are identifiable by number only, which means the judges cannot know who they were made by.

Now the experts judge each bouquet to see if the value of the bouquet match the order value, if quality and freshness meet expectations,
if the bouquet was prepared with due professional skill and competence and if the bouquet matches the ordered bouquet in character and colors.
With so many bouquets, this takes almost a whole day.

«Excellent performance» is rewarded
Finally, each flower store tested is informed in writing of the result it has achieved.
If a florist's performance is found to be below par, the partner will receive a caution, and in repeat cases will even be barred from receiving Fleurop orders for an entire year.
As a rule, though, the results range from «good» to «very good». A top-quality result entitles the florist to a certificate of excellence that is often displayed in a prominent location on the shop's premises.
The overriding aim of these measures - an aim shared by Fleurop and all the partner florists - is to make sure we live up to our motto of: «Every bouquet a masterpiece».
Other interesting topics about Fleurop-Service
Guarantee of satisfaction
Because your satisfaction is important to us, we include a guarantee with every delivery. In addition, we ensure the quality of our partners in Switzerland via regular test purchases.
Flowers within 90 minutes! A special service for all those who are in a hurry for various reasons and want to have the flowery message delivered «immediately».
Exact delivery time
In general, flowers are delivered in the course of the delivery date. With our special service, however, you can also opt for supply at an exact delivery time.
Guarantee times
Find out here, until when you need to order, so that flowers for Bümpliz, Lausanne, Marseille, New York or Beijing can still be delivered the same day.
Pick up the order yourself
You can also collect ordered flowers, plants and additional products from the flower shop yourself. This way you save service charges and time.
Flowers abroad
Honey in New York? Friends in Australia? Or business partners all over the world? Our partner shops around the globe will deliver your floral greetings personally.
Do you have questions or suggestions? Here you can reach us quickly and easily. We look forward to hearing from you.