Lilies for men and gods

Lilies for men and gods

Lilies stand for love, innocence, ephemerality and rebirth. That is why there are exciting stories about customs - but also anecdotes from the world of the gods.
Lilies have always fascinated people for many different reasons. They have come to symbolise light, love, fertility, femininity, innocence, purity and ephemerality. In ancient Egypt, for example, lilies grew widely and were therefore seen as a symbol of fertility and reincarnation.
In ancient Greece, brides were crowned with lilies in the hope of blessing the couple with many children. The Romans, on the other hand, enjoyed the scent of lilies and filled cushions and covers with their blooms. In China, young women were given a lily at their wedding because it was thought to «bring sons».In ancient Greece, brides were crowned with lilies in the hope of blessing the couple with many children. The Romans, on the other hand, enjoyed the scent of lilies and filled cushions and covers with their blooms. In China, young women were given a lily at their wedding because it was thought to «bring sons».
Lilies also proved indispensable to the gods. According to Greek mythology, for example, as the goddess Hera was breastfeeding Hercules, a small amount of milk escaped across the firmament and formed the Milky Way. A few drops also fell to Earth, from which the first lilies are said to have grown. And Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was apparently so envious of the flawless beauty of the lily's blooms that, acting out of pure spite, she gave them a donkey phallus in the form of a yellow stamen. The things that go on!

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