- Bees have a sight defect. Through their compound eyes, they can only detect red as black. They prefer blue and yellow flowers. And they also have the unique ability to see ultraviolet light.
Incredible facts that only a few know
Are bees colorblind? How do they alarm when they feel attacked? And can bees «predict» natural disasters? Here are the answers.

Bees never see red and have prophetic qualities
Bees don't just produce honey. Here are facts that hardly anyone knows:

- Last but not least, according to Franconian researchers, bees can also indicate approaching natural disasters through their behavior. This involves not only rather rare events such as earthquakes, but also severe weather and periods of drought.

Bee alarm - what you should know about it
Bees communicate via pheromones. Honey bees emit alarm pheromones, for example,
when they feel attacked. An attacker is therefore
not only stung, but also marked as an aggressor by the pheromones.
This increases the bees' propensity to attack. Once stung, you should therefore not approach the bees on the same day and wash your clothes before your next visit to the hive.
This increases the bees' propensity to attack. Once stung, you should therefore not approach the bees on the same day and wash your clothes before your next visit to the hive.

Honey - delicious and healthy
By the way, honey is not only delicious, but also healthy. Studies show that it can relieve cold
symptoms such as coughs and sore throats due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
In addition, many swear by the
calming effects of warm honey milk to help them sleep better. So these are more reasons to like honey.

Healthy honeys from FleuropHOME
Immerse yourself in the world of honey: a wide variety of types, healthy, delicious, controlled and guaranteed residue-free.
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Discover our honeys now.
More exciting topics about bees & honey
World Bee Day? Bee happy!
Why is there a World Bee Day? Why does it take place on May 20? And where can you find excellent honey for your own use? Here are the answers.
Incredible facts that only a few know
Are bees colorblind? How do they alarm when they feel attacked? And can bees «predict» natural disasters? Here are the answers.
China: success through transhumance, manual labor and drones
In the Middle Kingdom, wild bees are almost extinct. That's why the Chinese are coming up with a few ideas. Read more about unorthodox measures here.
Indonesia: biggest bees, dangerous harvest, liquid honey
Indonesia? A wonderland. There you will find the biggest bees, experience the most dangerous honey harvest at dizzying heights and drink the honey because it is liquid.
South Africa: work sharing of two bee breeds and protection of trees
In South Africa, a lot of honey is eaten, which really keeps the two bee breeds found there busy. But apparently bees have other benefits as well.