New advertising campaign with Kariem Hussein

Advertising campaign with Kariem Hussein

What does Fleurop do to remain the fastest flower service in Switzerland? It's simple - it has its flower messengers trained by European hurdling champion and brand ambassador Kariem Hussein. The spots of the training sessions can now be seen on SRF, social media, YouTube and other media portals.
The fastest flower service in Switzerland - powered by Kariem Hussein
Fleurop's flower messengers work out every day when they deliver flowers and plants. But sometimes technique and fitness can make a big difference. That's why Fleurop COO Rinaldo Walser thought that the flower messengers could also be treated to a few training sessions. And since Fleurop's brand ambassador Kariem Hussein is not only a physician but also a European champion in the 400 m hurdles, it was only natural to ask him for help.
«Delivering flowers» needs to be practiced
No sooner said than done. The flower messengers showed up and were really challenged by Coach Kariem. He cheered on his team of flower messengers, measured the times and helped everyone to get the best out of themselves. With success. Because at the end, you can see a flower messenger with a bouquet racing up a steep flight of stairs, whizzing past Kariem, who is armed with a stopwatch, and ringing the doorbell. Or how a Fleurop flower messenger with a bouquet overtakes Coach Kariem on a running track.
Take a look - it's worth it!
Incidentally, the flower messengers in the commercials were employees or florists from the Fleurop network who made themselves available for this campaign. As was the case for the last advertising campaign on flower giving, the storyline for these videos was also developed in-house and the whole thing was designed by the company itsel

SPECIAL EDITIONS by Kariem Hussein

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