Find the right one!

Find the right one!

So much has been written about Fleurop's plants for men «Männerpflanze» that everyone knows them by now. And yet: anyone who visits the new interactive and in-house developed website will not fail to fall in love with the green buddies all over again.
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Direct, cheeky, humorous, sometimes a little ambiguous - and definitely entertaining: this is how the new website presents itself. And regardless of whether you are looking for the «right» plant for yourself or someone else, searching for the ideal office greenery or want to become a sales partner yourself: you scroll and click and read, answer a personality quiz, perhaps leave the choice to the «universe» and enjoy the cactus «Spiky», who is always with you.
Speaking of Spiky: you simply cannot help but love him. He appears again and again on the website and brings life and a constant smile to your face with his very unique character. Maybe it's because you recognize yourself in him when you see him drinking a cup of coffee or reading the newspaper with interest.
By the way, plants for men not only have names, but also character traits. They are also linked to clear care tips. And for those who would like to know more, there are further stories about the origin, symbolism or unusual properties of each plant. But only on request. After all, users should not be forced to read more than they want to.
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But whether Bruce, Jack, Kariem or others: if you find the «right one», you will be directed to the interactive store search, where you can either pick up the plant or have it sent to you by Fleurop. So, take a look at the website. It's worth it!

Responsible at Fleurop: Angela Michel (Graphic, UX & Webdesign), Rinaldo Walser (COO).

All information in the press corner

No matter where, Fleurop delivers Fleurop is not only the fastest, but also the most reliable flower service in Switzerland. Fleurop shows this in funny commercials that can now be seen on SRF, social media, YouTube and other media portals. Advertising campaign with Kariem Hussein What does Fleurop do to remain the fastest flower service in Switzerland? It's simple - it has its flower messengers trained by European hurdling champion and brand ambassador Kariem Hussein. Plants for men Here you may download everything you need to know about our plants for men. TV and poster campaign As an international flower delivery network, Fleurop can be found all over the world. Its promising offers are appreciated beyond national borders and enjoy growing popularity. To keep it that way, Fleurop regularly advertises in the form of TV-pots and billboard campaigns, with numerous Fleurop employees involved in the production. Kariem Hussein Speed, emotion, and aesthetics: these are values that unite Swiss athlete Kariem Hussein and flower delivery network Fleurop. That's why Fleurop is making the 2014 European hurdles champion and physician its brand ambassador.  The BLOOMERY Always something new from the world of flowers and plants, constantly cool brands, a continuously changing range of products and always on the pulse of time: industry leader Fleurop has set itself ambitious goals to make «The BLOOMERY» a success story. Spiky and the new plants for men website! So much has been written about Fleurop's plants for men «Männerpflanze» that everyone knows them by now. And yet: anyone who visits the new interactive and in-house developed website will not fail to fall in love with the green buddies all over again.