FAQ about Fleurop products

FAQ about Fleurop products

Here you will find answers to questions about order reliability, bouquet sizes, any special requests and minimum prices.
Do the delivered flowers look exactly like the picture on the Internet?
The products displayed are appropriate to the season. As a rule, the range changes six times a year. For this reason, Fleurop cannot guarantee the displayed flowers/plants will always be available at every Fleurop partner shop throughout Switzerland. A Fleurop product may therefore differ slightly from the displayed image. However, every Fleurop product is an item that is individually and freshly arranged on site and matches the picture in shape and color as closely as possible.
What is the difference between Minimum, Standard and Premium?
The bouquet at the minimum price is proportionally smaller than the standard or premium bouquet. In the online store, the image of the bouquet changes accordingly, and the difference is recognizable.
Are there other products than those shown online?
If you have a special request, please contact our customer service. We will be happy to clarify whether we can fulfill your flower request. Online, only the products displayed can be ordered.
What will be delivered if the desired flowers are not available?
In the event of major deviations, you will usually be contacted by us or the florist to clarify an alternative.
What are the minimum prices for Switzerland and abroad?
The minimum price for a bouquet in Switzerland and Liechtenstein is CHF 35.00. Prices for orders abroad vary depending on the country. Please contact our customer service for further information.

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